
Saturday, February 9, 2019

Metaphysical Premises And Types Of Liberal Ideology: Liberalism As The End And Liberalism As The Way :: Politics

Metaphysical Premises And Types Of Liberal ideology Liberalism As The End And Liberalism As The WayABSTRACT The problem of choosing the flair for our country unavoidably brings us to a discussion of the problem of bountifulism. At offshoot glance, this should not be a problem since liberal principles underlie Western society and are the basis of the previous(a) world order. tho this opinion is not shared by all intellectuals in Russia. initiative is the specificity of the Russian mentality, social consciousness and social life. The appraisal of Russias own substance is oft referred to by various semipolitical movements of pronounced nationalist color, but we guard to study this idea at its deepest level quite an than oversimplify reality. only even to the highest degree thinkers who are lie to the West and have insisted on the adoption of Western values and standards have also powerfully criticized European civilization. Secondly, liberalism does not have a simple mea ning. It connotes a number of mixed ideological systems transformed over time both in supposition and in political practice. Therefore, it is important to analyze the metaphysical premises of liberal doctrines and systems. I will examine assessments of liberal ideas made by Russian religious philosophers in the late 19th and early 20th centuries such as P. Struve, N. Novgorodtsev, I. Iliin, and S. Frank who all considered liberalism primarily a metaphysical rather than a legal or political phenomenon, and interpreted it as an trial-and-error manifestation of the deep nature of the human spiritual reality. The problem of choosing the way for our country unavoidably makes us discuss the problem of liberalism. At the first sight, this should not be problem at all, as the liberal principles underlie Western society and so make the basis of the whole modern world order. But such a straight opinion is not shared by all political people here in Russia and there are two major reasons fo r this. First of the two is specificity of Russian mentality, Russian social consciousness, and generally all Russian social life. The idea of Russias own way is, true, much used by various political movements of pronounced nationalist color, but we have to study this idea to the most possible deepness to not be oversimplifying the reality. It was common among all political groups and movements to state Russias special historical fate and ways. Even the most westernly oriented political thinkers, though insisted on the adoption of Western values and standards, strongly criticized European civilization at the same time (so did Hertzen in his late years, for example).

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