
Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Homework Steven

Criteria Questions to Ask Yourself Comments How important is the subject to the speaker? The speaker seems to be genuinely committed to the discipline she has learned ab fall out caravan Gogh. She seems that she has do her research and is passionate about his life and art. Appropriateness for Audience and junction Is the topic and delivery relevant and helpful to the earshot? It seems the auditory modality was into the barbarism. I still could not tell who she was speaking to. Was it an art class? random group of good deal who want to know to a greater extent about van Gogh? Clear Purpose Can you identify the goal(s) the speaker has for delivering the talk?The speaker anted to get across the tragedy and triumphs of Van Gos life. All of which exsert him to killing himself. Fresh Point of View Does the deliverance challenge the audience to think about something in a rude(a) way? I think this destination did. The Speaker obviously pitch knowledge that was good deal di verting and not something you would adept know based on train taught information. Ethics Does the speaker tell the truth and have the best interest of the audience at heart? She seems to have sited all information she found. I would take it as all true and she also looks to have lured the audience in with her facts and excitement about the topic.Substance Does the voice communication content provide new information supported by facts, statistics, and so-on? Yes, A lot of the facts she had were sited. I had no idea that he went through all of that. Structure Is the flow of information given in the pitch well organized so the speech flows from one topic to the succeeding(prenominal)? Yes. By starting with his early years, deviation to middle age years and ending with him committing suicide. Step 5 take in the speech, pa use as necessary, and enter any initial thoughts that may be useful in writing your critique of the speech.Step 6 Review the information in Module 2 that covers strategies for giving effective dieback. The recommendations given in the lesson embarrass the following Begin the critique by making a despotic statement. Focus on select areas for improvement. Make your comments in an organized fashion. hand over specific feedback about what needs to be improved. Be honest, nevertheless courteous and tactful, in your comments. Personalized comments by indicating how you were influenced by the content or behavior, using l instead of you. Stress the positive aspects of the speech.Offer specific suggestions on how to remunerate a problem. Provide a plan of action for how to improve the adjacent speech with examples. End the critique with a positive statement. Step 7 Use your speech evaluation table and guideposts for giving effective speech feedback to write a critique of the speech you selected. Enjoyed learning new information about a famous person in history, I found it hard not to look at the speaker moving her men continuously. I was also unable to tell who this speech was designed for. Was this speech designed for an art class? Mental patients?Suicide prevention? It is undecipherable who should be the recipient of this speech. I was a bit confused but I still enjoyed the speech. Learning new things, seeing money very passionate about the message they are relaying and it was given in complete sequence. Step 8 Review the information in the lesson that provides guidelines for handling feedback you detect from others. These guidelines include the following Be sure to focus on what is organism said about your speech and your presentation not how it is being conveyed to you. negate taking the feedback personally or emotionally.When feedback is general or vague, seek out specific problems and suggestions from the feedback source. Evaluate the feedback provided using your critical thinking abilities. Prepare a plan of action for improving your speech and presentation skills prior to delivering the next speech. Ste p 9 Put yourself in the shoes of the presenter whose speech you watched and critiqued. Imagine that you are the speaker who received the critique that you wrote. For each guideline you reviewed in Step 8, write a sentence or more that documents your thoughts about the critique comments and observations.How would you use the information, observations, and suggestions in the critique to deliver your speech more effectively? If I were the presenter and saw the feedback I Just wrote, I would say that I do understand, clarify whom the speech is conjectural to be for and accept the hand gestures being Just a curt too much. I would be happy to hear that someone gained a bit of knowledge from my presentation. I thinking back it would have been puritanical to see more visuals in the presentation but that is something that different people pick up information easier with. Step 10 Save and film your document. Remember to use proper PAP Style.

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