
Sunday, February 10, 2019

Genesis Flood of the Christian Bible and the Flood of Gilgamesh :: Epic of Gilgamesh

The soaker of Noah and the Flood of Gilgamesh The Epic of Gilgamesh has been of disport to Christians ever since its discovery in the mid-nineteenth century in the ruins of the great depository library at Nineveh, with its nib of a universal gorge with significant parallels to the Flood of Noahs day.1, 2 The rest of the Epic, which dates back to possibly third millennium B.C., contains little(a) of value for Christians, since it concerns typical polytheistic myths associated with the pagan peoples of the time. However, some Christians have analyze the ideas of creation and the afterlife presented in the Epic. Even secular scholars have recognize the parallels between the Babylonian, Phoenician, and Hebrew accounts, although not all be willing to try the connections as anything more than shared mythology.3 There have been numerous flood stories identified from ancient sources scattered around the world.4 The stories that were discovered on cuneal tablets, which comprise some of the earliest surviving writing, have obvious similarities. wedge-shaped writing was invented by the Sumerians and carried on by the Akkadians. Babylonian and Assyrian are ii dialects of the Akkadian, and both contain a flood account. While there are differences between the original Sumerian and later Babylonian and Assyrian flood accounts, many of the similarities are strikingly close to the Genesis flood account.5 The Babylonian account is the around intact, with only seven of 205 lines missing.6 It was also the counterbalance discovered, making it the most studied of the early flood accounts. The Epic of Gilgamesh is contained on twelve queen-size tablets, and since the original discovery, it has been found on early(a)s, as well as having been translated into other early langu get along withs.7 The actual tablets date back to around 650 B.C. and are simply not originals since fragments of the flood story have been found on tablets date around 2,000 B.C.8 Linguistic expe rts believe that the story was be well earlier 2,000 B.C. compiled from material that was much older than that date.9 The Sumerian cuneiform writing has been estimated to go as far back as 3,300 B.C.10 The Story The Epic was composed in the form of a poem. The main figure is Gilgamesh, who actually may have been an historical person. The Sumerian King List shows Gilgamesh in the first dynasty of Uruk reigning for 126 years.11 This length of time is not a problem when compared with the age of the pre-flood patriarchs of the Bible.

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