see Topic:\n\nThe similarities and differences between Krakauers Into the disturbed and Ehrenreichs plate and Dimed.\n\nEssay Questions:\n\nWhat do Krakauers Into the feral and Ehrenreichs plate and Dimed pick extinct to deal with the piece of musics longing to flight of steps his spiritedness? How meaning(a) atomic number 18 the romances for the preteen stack? What argon the principal(prenominal) differences between Krakauers Into the raving mad and Ehrenreichs nickel and Dimed?\n\nThesis tilt:\n\nThe harbors contrast whole(prenominal) opposite, as atomic number 28 and Dimed deals with works concentrated and earning life historylike advantages and Into the bonkers is virtu wholey resisting the material align of sustenance.\n\n \nKrakauers Into the loco and\n\nEhrenreichs nickel note and Dimed essay\n\n \n\n existence\n\n Analysis of Nickel and Dimed by Barbara Ehrenreich\n\n Analysis of Into the barbarian by Jon Krakauer\n\n Similarities and co ntrasts of the throws\n\n Conclusion\n\n1. Introduction\n\nA pass come on of bears accommodate been pen in localise to draw off the die hards of Ameri brook the great unwashed and the difficulties they heart. Among all of them on that point well-nigh account nurse that require special principal(prenominal)tenance and analysis. Barbara Ehrenreichs „Nickel and Dimed and Jon Krakauers Into the wild atomic number 18 both of these special keeps. The books contrast each new(prenominal), as Nickel and Dimed deals with running(a) hard and earning material advantages and Into the wild is ab come forth rejecting the material side of flavor. In Nickel and Dimed Ehrenreich, as the heroine of the book tapers the reality of Ameri rouse flavour with all its subsur nerve stones and Into the wild is a book about the search of the reality. Nevertheless, there is something that strongly unites these two from the starting linely sight entirely disparate books. It is the difficulties of American everyday life in Nickel and Dimed and as an echo the absence of trustfulness in the ability to disc everywhere a interject in this reality for a young hu soldierykind, which forces him to escape and reject everything material in Into the wild. uniform push for the economical survival of the fittest fuck offs concourse very conservative and weak. It brings insecurity into the souls of American throng and an overweening attachment to everything material. solely this insecurity counterbalancetually leads to the subconscious mind appetency to run a bureau. This take especially touches young the great unwashed, who unflustered encounter dreams and whos of import goal it to perfect their individualalities and non to stick in the corpse of the material survival.\n\n2. Barbara Ehrenreichs „Nickel and Dimed\n\nBarbaras Ehrenreichs „Nickel and Dimed is a very evoke work taking into cypher its peculiarities. The writer becomes the main sou lage of the book. The task that Ehrenreich had before she started paternity the book, was the following: to taste the life of one of the 12 cardinal working(a) women after the public assistance reform. She, organism a warmness class re pointative jilted all the material privileges she adjudge except $1000,a car, to save her age and a lap top, to draw up the book, in ordinance to start the life of one of these unpaid women getting from $6 to $7 per hour. The idea of this work was to show the reality of the life of plenty like that. She changed three unalike locations in order to present the conditions in diffe binge states. Ehrenreich worked as a waitress in Key West, Florida, having to pay $ 675 rent every month. She in like manner worked in Orchard Beach in Portland, Maine as a alter women and a nursing business firm assistant and finally as a associate at Wal-Mart in Minneapolis, facing the conditions which where completion to homelessness. She got to the botto m, where race work immensely hard in order honest to make ends get wind or in opposite dustup to survive. She tried to conk out on the salaries she reserveed from her jobs, and she came to the conclusion that it is most im workable to do it. Millions of American people live this life constantly working, getting no sleep and still being honestly myopic and the japery of hold up and of being equal to work lies in count on out how to budget your naught so therell be some left over for the coterminous day[1/195]. The only prison term Ehrenreich agreed that it was somehow accomplishable to exist is when she had two jobs at the equivalent m, worked s til now old age a week and everything she pull in covered her expenses for her modest brisk and that was it. It is nonhing however survival, survival that depends to be almost creature like without giving people the fortune to grow in person and professionally.\n\nThe book infects the lecturer with the e straggley virus. The author, even having certain advantages over early(a) poor people still could non give her bread and furtherter and expressed dozens of difficulties. Ehrenreich writes: Something is wrong, very wrong, when a ace person in peachy health, a person who in addition possesses a working car, can b bely hold back herself by the sweat of her brow. You simulatet need a degree in economics to see that wages are in like universener low and rents too high [1/199]. Ehrenreich challenges primarily the persuasion of bourgeois Americans about the life of people around them. It destroys the pigeonhole of the universal American upbeat of every American citizen. integrity of the authors main worries is the growth of rental costs on the background of wages rest at the very said(prenominal) level. This contradiction, leads to the deterioration of the vivification conditions of these 12 million women fighting for the opportunity to exist. At the aforementioned(prenominal) conviction this book teaches middle-class American people to observe what they have and understand the dissatisfy of the unskilled citizens. The author describes what she experient as a poor hard-working woman and implies that: Someday ... they are bound to tire of getting so little in return to demand to be paid what theyre worth. in that locationll be a lot of when that day comes, and strikes and disruption [1/221].\n\n3. Jon Krakauers Into the wild\n\nJon Krakauers Into the wild is a story of a young man who responsibility after his college graduation decides to quit everything around him and escape to the place where the isolation from the society go forth be maximal to Alaska. Here, the endorser wonders why would a young, persuasion and bright young man involve to escape so far away and reject the goods of the materialistic world? This book portrays a man, who wants to drop out of the society he lives in exclusively at the identical time he is tout ensemble unadju sted to live alfresco of it. This reveals the contradiction between his believe to escape from people and softness to survive solo. This young man running away from this atm is the symbol of mans search for stark naked life and the im gap to make the changes. The author by writing this book seems to outline that an escape is non an answer to the problems that whatsoever person has in relations with the affable encirclement. Being a social dropout never solves any problems that a man has. The trade of this young man Christopher McCandless is a testify against the life which he is offered, against the his future life escort that he has already got, against his parents who hand over to obtrude him this ways of convention in their understanding life. either of these ideas are not all the way expressed in the book, but they are the underlying themes that a reader whitethorn obtain analyzing Into the wild. Analyzing Christopher McCandless as the main hero of Into the wild it is undeniable to point out that he as a spirit may be characterized as a self-centered one, because the man is centered on his ask only and through the book his inability to predict the possible difficulties he might face show his im due date and inability to come to rational decisions. Christopher cannot even take to the thought of living like others, he is facial expression for new experiences, but in reality he does not know what he wants: ...he mean to invent an utterly new life, one in which he would be excess to wallow in unfiltered experience[2/22]. The price he pays for this is the price of his accept life. The man travels entirely on the desert, almost die eon canoeing. A very burning(prenominal) part of the book is the irregular when get the advice to start living as all the other people do. The author passim the words of the personage of Ronald Franz makes an set out to: Convince him to get an gentility and a job and make something of his life [2/51] . He is ever so offered a place to pose and even a cover job in the face of Wayne Westerberg. Christopher remains deaf to all these words and this brings him to his death in the woods of Alaska.\n\n4. Similarities and contrasts of the books\n\nJon Krakauers Into the wild is a book completely different from the above mentioned Nickel and Dimed and at the same time it is powerfully connected with it and even echoes its motives. Both of the books deal with surviving.\n\nIn Into the wild it is the assay to unskillfully survive and overcome the earthy conditions, and in Nickel and Dimed it is the flack to survive by having a job and earning enough not to be homeless. This aspect also shows the difference between these two different types of surviving. Barbara Ehrenreich and other 12 million women want to struggle but are not given the happening to be successful and Chris McCandless has the possibility to be successful but does not want to struggle for it. In Into the woods Christo pher does not have any desire to work and to change his life somehow working is just a waist of time for him; the book expresses a protest of an individual against the society which may be interpreted differently but in anyways shows him as a weakling. It may also be analyze as a maturity issue mentioned above.\n\nEhrenreich challenges the American fancy stereotype of perfect and capable life where everybody has the same opportunities and Jon Krakauers Christopher still believes in the American Dream but this dream is being free for him and it is way exaggerated. It sounds more like his in-person dream. Nickel and Dimed fights for civil liberties and the book Into the woods ignores them. One of the biggest contrasts of the books is the stead of people that have never had all the conveniences to live properly without worrying for the conterminous day and people that have always had everything but have never valued this fact. An all important(p) similarity to point out is Ehren reichs religion negation and the refusal to accept church as a place where people can get real military service and support. Barbara lives alone and does not seem to need anybody as a:poor working women; she keeps a certain distance from people. Christopher is alone too or it is soften to say that he is not but wants to be alone and keeps all the people that could have become his friends at the same distance we observe in Nickel and Dimed.\n\nMillion of people work and do scantily have any free time for their friends or relatives, but still they meet with them and these people are the ones who become an encouragement to keep on working and struggling. Both Into the woods and Nickel and Dimed touch the theme of voluntary social isolation, small-arm social contacts would have through with(p) a lot of good to the people portrayed in the books. Barbara Ehrenreich calls towards changes and criticizes the existent American system that cannot digest equal opportunities, in this b erth economical opportunities, to everybody as it claims to do. Or in other words it states that the work that is being done is not paid check to other economical changes spill on, especially the welfare reform. Krakauer criticizes expedience and immaturity that causes people not to use their opportunities, which they are offered.\n\nEhrenreich spell conducting her audition forgets about the interpersonal issue and the importance of warmhearted relations in order to keep a person ready to go forward and face any difficulties. It is an experiment, where these important factor outs are left out of the field of vision of the author, while Into the wild describes a natural phenomenon of a personal desire to stay away from other people. This natural phenomenon withstands an artificial experiment or in other words a science laboratory experiment where the external factor becomes a gap in the study process.\n\n \n\n5. Conclusion\n\nBarbara Ehrenreichs „Nickel and Dimed and Jon Kr akauers Into the wild are two books in truth worth of reading in order to develop a well-shaped opinion regarding the role of a man in the American society, the possibilities that a man has and the choices that can be made tally to this. The peculiarities of these two at the first completely contrasting books pass on lead away the reader to the world of the authors thoughts and ideas which in the depth have a lot of in common.If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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