Monday, September 30, 2019
Policy Is Now Made In A More Democratic Manner Essay
What Extent Do You Agree With This Statement? The 1997 general election in Britain changed the way that policies were made in both of the leading political parties. The Labour Party is composed of three major institutions: The NEC (National Executive Committee) -the administrative authority of the party, the PLP (Parliamentary Labour Party) which consists of all elected Labour Party MP s and the Annual Party Conference. The Annual Party Conference is the supreme decision-making body within the Party. Ordinary members of the party are given the opportunity to publicly articulate their views and for cabinet members (or shadow cabinet members if the party is not in government) to deliver set-speeches directed towards the party or the public. The Conservative Party had a system where power rested entirely in the hands of parliamentarians with little or no organisation outside of parliament. It also consisted of three main institutions: The Parliamentary Conservative Party, the National Union Of Conservative and Unionist Associations and The Conservative Central Office. The ultimate decision making body in the Party is the leader himself. He or she may be advised however this advice does not have to be taken. Before 1997, any member of the Labour party could raise a topic to be debated. However after the 1997 election, in an attempt by Tony Blair to meet the demands of party unity and discipline, the Labour Party changed its structure to include the NPF (National Policy Forum). The job of the National Policy Forum was to set our the agenda to be discussed at the annual party conference.Members could no longer bring up issues during the conference. Instead, members could make an application to the forum for a debate on a particular topic although the ultimate decision would be made by the forum. Although members were still free to convey their views at the annual conference. The Conservatives adopted a similar system to the Labour Party. The Conservative Party also underwent structural changes after the 1997 election. In a bid to make the party more democratic, William Hague introduced ‘the Fresh Future’. This included the creation of two new bodies, the ‘National Conservative Convention’ and the ‘Conservative Policy Forum’ (although these act as advisory bodies only, the final decision rests with the leader). In conclusion, the Labour Party certainly makes policy in a less democratic way. From an open conference where members could freely bring up topics for debate to a forum where only a select few have the ultimate decision in deciding party policies. This reform has decreased the number of members who can participate in making policies and reduced the range of views that the policies represent. Although the Conservative Party has made an attempt to make its policy making more democratic by introducing the ‘Fresh Future’ and the new Conservative Policy Forum, the leader still holds the ultimate decision when deciding on policy and although it increases the number of people who can attempt to advise the leader although the leader still has ultimate power when making decisions so it means nothing. It is therefore concluded that party policy is not now made in a more democratic manner.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
The technology for photovoltaic
1. Introduction1.1 Photovoltaic HistoryThe engineering for Photovoltaic dates back to over 160 old ages. A Gallic physicist, named Alexandre Edmond Becquerel, was the first to province his observations of the photovoltaic consequence in the nineteenth century. Since so, many scientists have worked to develop energy engineerings based on this consequence. The basic scientific discipline was foremost discovered in 1839 but the gait of advancement truly accelerated in three major pushs in the twentieth century. 1839 Experimenting with metal electrodes and electrolyte, nineteen-year-old Gallic physicist Alexandre Edmond Becquerel observes a physical phenomenon leting light-electricity transition 1883 Charles Fritts, an American discoverer, describes the first solar cells made from Se wafers 1888 Edward Weston receives first US patent for â€Å" solar cell †1901 Nikola Tesla receives US patent for â€Å" method of utilizing, and setup for the utlization of, beaming energy †Albert Einstein Makes His MarkIt was n't until Albert Einstein wrote his 1905 paper on the photoelectric consequence: â€Å" On a Heuristic Viewpoint Refering the Production and Transformation of Light †. 1905 Albert Einstein publishes paper on theory behind â€Å" photoelectric consequence †along with paper on relativity theory 1916 Robert Millikan provided experimental cogent evidence of Einstein ‘s theory on photoelectric consequence 1922 Einstein wins Nobel award for 1904 paper on photoelectric consequenceThe Commercial Solar Age BeginsBell Laboratories, while working on Si semiconducting materials, discovered Si had photoelectric belongingss and rapidly developed Si solar cells, accomplishing 6 % efficiency and early orbiters were the primary usage for these first solar cells. 1954 Bell Labs exhibits foremost high-octane Si PV cell. The New York Times forecasts that solar cells will finally take to a beginning of â€Å" illimitable energy of the Sun †. 1955 Western Electric sells commercial licences for Si PV engineerings ; early successful merchandises include PV-powered dollar measure modifiers and devices that decoded computing machine clout cards and tape. 1958 PV array powers radios on US Vanguard I infinite orbiter 1963 Sharp Corporation produces a feasible photovoltaic faculty of Si solar cells. Japan installs a 242-watt PV array on a beacon, the universe ‘s largest array at that clip. 1966 NASA launches Orbiting Astronomical Observatory with a 1-kilowatt PV array 1970s Research thrusts PV costs down 80 % , leting for applications such as seaward pilotage warning visible radiations and horns beacons, railway crossings, and remote usage where utility-grid connexions are excessively dearly-won 1973 Solarex Corp is founded by two ex-NASA scientists who worked on the development of satellite PV systems 1974 Japan formulates â€Å" Project Sunshine †to fuel PV research and development 1976 Kyocera Corp begins production of Silicon thread crystal solar faculties 1977 US Dept. of Energy establishes US Solar Energy Research Institute in Golden, CO 1980s Continued betterments in efficiency and cost enables PV to go a popular power beginning for consumer electronic devices, such as reckoners, tickers, wirelesss, lanterns and other little battery charging applicationsProgressive Governments Use Subsidies to Rush AdoptionTo spur acceptance, Germany and so Japan initiated considerable subsidy plans and now those markets exist mostly without subsidies. In 2007, California leads the US with a similar 10-year plan. 1990 Germany launches $ 500MM â€Å" 100,000 Solar Roofs †plan. The Cathedral of Magdeburg installs solar cells on the roof, taging the first installing on a church in East Germany 1991 President George H. W. Bush directs the U.S. Department of Energy to set up the National Renewable Energy Laboratory ( reassigning the bing Solar Energy Research Institute ) in Sandia, NM 1994 Japan begins â€Å" 70,000 Solar Roofs †PV subsidy plan 1998 California initiates $ 112MM â€Å" Emerging Renewables Program †to fund discounts for & lt ; 30 kilowatt residential and commercial PV systems 2002 CA Public Utilities Commission begins $ 100MM â€Å" Self Generation Incentive Program †for & gt ; 30 kilowatt PV undertakings 2004 Five makers – Sharp, Kyocera, Shell Solar, BP Solar and RWE SCHOTT Solar – history for 60 per centum of the PV market. GE buys Astropower, the last leftover US independent PV maker 2006 The CA PUC demonstrates leading by sketching what will go the California Solar Initiative ( CSI ) , a 10-year, $ 3 billion solar subsidy plan. 2007 The CSI plan Begins and is good received by the market, with higher than expected application volume. 2008 Your company joins the aggressive list of California concern leaders who adopt solar power for their concern with Sunlight Electric. Sunlight Electric, LLC. , 2002-2009 )1.2 Photovoltaic Basics and Working PrinciplesThe term photovoltaic is derived by uniting the Grecian words – â€Å" exposure †, intending visible radiation, and â€Å" Gur †, intending bring forthing electricity -means â€Å" electricity from visible radiation †Photovoltaic which is abbreviated as PV is the term which is used to depict the solid province devices which are capable of direct transition of sunshine into direct current electricity. Sunlight is made up of photons which are distinct units of light energy. When these photons come in contact with a PV cell, some photons are absorbed by the semiconducting material stuff and the energy is transferred to negatrons. With this extra energy, the negatrons can get away from their atoms and can flux as current in an electrical circuit. PV systems are agencies of bring forthing electricity on-site from the Sun without any noise pollution and have no moving parts. These can hence theoretically bring forth energy boundlessly without necessitating any care. It is an established fact that in one hr the solar energy received by the Earth if converted into electricity can bring forth energy which is equal to the entire sum of energy consumed by all worlds in one twelvemonth. The basic edifice blocks of PV faculties are the PV cells. PV cells are made up of semi-conducting stuffs, which typically is silicon and is doped ( doping is the procedure of deliberately presenting drosss into an highly pure semiconducting material to alter its electrical belongingss ) with particular additives. The entire sum of current that can be produced is straight relative to the size of the cell, its transition efficiency, and the strength of sunshine received. PV cells are connected together to bring forth PV faculties. PV faculties can be connected in series and parallel to obtain the coveted electromotive force and current severally. When the PV faculties are fixed together ( in series or analogue ) they are called an array. ( Eiffert and Kiss 2000 ) PV arrays necessitate really small care no other than cleansing of the surfaces on occasion when and if they become soiled or if the PV arrays are being used in dust-covered locations. However for an efficient operation it is necessary to maintain them clear of snow, weeds and any other beginnings which can shadow a part or whole of the array. As the PV cells are connected in series ( particularly to bring forth the coveted electromotive force ) , so shadowing even one cell in a faculty will diminish the end product of the full faculty appreciably.1.3 Types of PV SystemsPhotovoltaic power systems are by and large classified in conformity with their functional and operational demands, the constellation of their constituents, and how these equipments are connected to other power beginnings and electrical tonss. The three chief categorizations are:stand-alone systemsintercrossed systemsgrid-connected or utility-interactive systems.Photovoltaic systems can be designed to supply either DC and/or AC power ; these can run interconnected with or independent of the public-service corporation grid, and can be connected with other energy beginnings and energy storage systems.a ) Stand Alone systemsStand-alone PV systems are designed to such that they can run independent of the electric public-service corporation grid. They are normally designed and sized to provide certain DC and/or AC electrical tonss. These types of systems are powered by a PV array merely. In many stand-alone PV systems, batteries are used to hive away energy during the twenty-four hours clip when the Sun radiances to be used at dark.B ) Hybrid SystemsThese are an drawn-out version of base entirely system as they consist of a combination of a PV array and a complementary agencies of electricity coevals such as a Diesel, gas or ai r current generator. In order for the operation of the two electricity bring forthing systems to be optimal, intercrossed systems typically require more sophisticated controls than any standalone PV systems. For illustration, in the instance of PV/diesel system the Diesel engine must be started when the battery reaches a given degree of discharge, and so stopped once more when the battery reaches an equal degree of charge. When a loanblend system is being used it is possible to utilize a smaller PV array and smaller batteries than would be required for an tantamount sized stand-alone system. Hence the entire cost of a intercrossed system may more cheaper to put in than a stand-alone system for some Celsius ) Grid or Utility Intertied SystemsGrid-connected or utility-interactive PV systems are designed such that they operate in analogue with and are interconnected with the electric public-service corporation grid. The most of import constituent in grid-connected PV systems is the inverter. The inverter is required to change over the DC power produced by the PV array into AC power which is in line with the electromotive force and power quality demands of the public-service corporation grid and is capable of automatically halt providing power to the grid when the public-service corporation grid is non energized. This system requires a bi-directional interface between the PV system AC end product circuits and the electric public-service corporation web, typically at the on-site distribution panel or at the service entryway. This allows the AC power which is being produced by the PV system to either supply to the on-site electrical tonss or to back-feed the grid when and if the PV system end product is greater than the on-site burden demand. At dark and during other periods when the electrical tonss required on-site are greater than the PV system end product, the balance of power required by the t ons is received from the electric public-service corporation. There is a safety characteristic built into all grid-connected PV systems, to guarantee that the PV system will non go on to run and feed back into the public-service corporation grid when the grid is down for service or fix.1.4 Photovoltaic System ComponentsTypical Components required for a Photovoltaic System are:PV Array:A PV Array is made up of environmentally-sealed PV faculties, which are aggregations of PV cells, the devices that convert sunlight to electricity.Balance of system equipment ( BOS ) :BOS includes climb and wiring systems which are used to incorporate the solar faculties into the structural and electrical systems. The wiring systems include all the isolation devices which are required for the District of Columbia and ac sides of the inverter, all the ground-fault protection equipment, and over current protections for the solar faculties. Most systems besides include a combiner board of some sort since most faculties require fuses for each faculty beginning circuit. Some inverters include this fuse and uniting map within the inverter enclosure.DC-AC inverter:An inverter is a device that takes the dc power from the PV array as an input and converts it into standard Ac power which is required by the tonss to which it is feeding.Batteries:This includes batteries and battery enclosures, battery charge accountant and separate sub-panel ( s ) for critical burden circuits.Metering:This includes metres to supply measuring of the system public presentation. Some metres can bespeak the use of energy.Other constituents:These include the public-service corporation switch and protections as required by the local public-service corporation section.1.5 Definition – Building Integrated PhotovoltaicThe acronym BiPV ( Building integrated Photovoltaic ) refers to systems and constructs in which photovoltaics are integrated within the edifice ; they take on the function of edifice elements fun ctioning a secondary intent such as roof, fa & A ; ccedil ; ade or a shading system every bit good as holding the map of bring forthing electricity. However bing edifices may be retrofitted by adding BIPV faculties on the top of already constructed constructions as good. The chief advantage of BiPV over the common non-integrated systems is that its initial cost can be offset by cut downing the sum that had to be spent on edifice stuffs and labor usually that the BIPV faculties replace. In add-on, as BIPV are an built-in portion of the edifice design, they by and large blend in better with the edifice and are more aesthetically more pleasing than other solar options It means that they give best consequences if built/constructed along with a building/structure. They should besides be planned together with the edifice. Yet, they could be built subsequently on. They require working together of many different experts, such as designers, civil applied scientists, electrical applied scientists and PV system interior decorators.1.6 Application of Building Integrated PhotovoltaicThe photovoltaics can be integrated with the edifices and constructions as follows:a ) Facade systemsThe BIPV system can be designed to move as an outer tegument and weather barrier as portion of the edifice envelope. BIPV systems are by and large the glass merchandises which are typically used as facade systems ( laminated and patterned glass ) , spandrel glass panels, and curtain wall. These can replace traditional building stuffs. Laminated glass is the most common BIPV merchandise used for the Fa & A ; ccedil ; ade systems. It is made up of two pieces of glass with PV solar cells sandwiched between these glass pieces, an encapsulant like ethylene-vinyl ethanoate ( EVA ) or another encapsulant stuff, and a translucent or coloured tedlar-coated polyester back-sheet. The designer can bespeak the spacing between solar cells, which will find the power supply and besides permit the design of inactive solar characteristics by modulating the sum of twenty-four hours illuming allowed to come in into the edifice The photovoltaics used as edifice frontages have many advantages as they bring in natural visible radiation, ocular contact with the nature and can lend as an of import component of inactive solar energy. These make it possible to conjugate production of energy, aesthetics and thermic comfort. ( Eiffert and Kiss 2000 ) and ( Jesus, Manuela and Pereira 2005 )B ) Atrium systemsIn this system BIPV is a glass component joined with PV faculties that provides different shading degrees and can be designed to heighten indoor thermic comfort every bit good as usage of natural daytime. The semi-transparent PV faculties are most rather frequently used within the commercial atria as these can be used to replace traditional shading solutions which by and large have high care costs associated with them. However, compared to standard dual glazing systems, an component which incorporates either glandular fever or poly crystalline PV cells in a glass-glass building does come at a cost premium. But this cost premium can be offset as taking PV laminates for the atrium roof has multiple benefits for the edifice users, such as electricity coevals, solar shading, environmental and engineering statements, enhanced comfort and esteemed office workspace. Many researches have confirmed that the application of PV in atria is justified from both fiscal, environmental ( CO2 emanations ) and architectural positions. Using BIPV in the atria is possibly the most appropriate usage of PV today. As betterments happen in the cell efficiency and in peculiar the inverter dependability, it will further profit the economic sciences of PV atria and do its usage far more common topographic point. ( Eiffert and Kiss 2000 ) and ( James, Jentsch. and Bahaj 2008 )degree Celsius ) Awning and Shading systemsA assortment of PV stuffs can be mounted onto a frontage in aesthetic mode to function as sunshades.vitamin D ) Roofing systemsThe BIPV roofing system replaces conventional roofing stuffs such as tiles, herpes zosters, and metal roofing. This system can be applied to atilt roofs every bit good as plane coverings. This system has several advantages other than bring forthing electricity such as decrease in care costs, pays back the installing costs in sho rter periods due to its privileged placement for the response of solar energy. BIPV applications in plane coverings have extra advantages like its capacity to widen the roof life through its belongings of protecting the insularity and membrane from ultraviolet beams and from debasement caused by rain. ( Eiffert and Kiss 2000 ) and ( Jesus, Manuela and Pereira 2005 )1.7 Design IssuesIn order to obtain an optimal public presentation by the integrating of a photovoltaic system into edifices it is required to give due consideration to its constructability and functionality, as its installing is different from the conventional PV installing method which merely need back uping constructions opened to air. The efficiency of BIPV system is determined by the method that is applied to the edifice envelope, every bit good as the efficiency of PV system itself. In add-on to the general specifications of a PV system, there are assorted design factors that may make up one's mind the public presen tation of the BIPV systems. In any state of affairs of BIPV integrating, the undermentioned factors should be taken in consideration in all design and executing stage:Environmental Factors – Climatic informations – temperature, solar radiation – of the location must be known, this is because the solar entree, the incidence of solar radiation that reaches a PV surface at any given clip, determines the possible electrical end product of a BIPV system.It is besides of import to cognize the latitude of the topographic point and the solar orientation ( an disposition angle of the faculties ) as presentations have shown that a system installed at a tilt angle equivalent to the site latitude produces the greatest sum of electricity on an one-year footing. Care must be taken in order to avoid shadowing from the milieus. If merely a portion of PV array is shaded the energy loss can be over-proportional compared to the loss of incident solar energy.Structural Factors – These include the requested energy, weight and size of chosen faculty, ways of arrested development and operating and care schemes ( easiness of installing and handiness of system constituents ) of the BIPV system.For taking the type and size of BIPV three things which need to be considered are the energy required, architectural or aesthetic considerations, and economic factors. In order to find the coveted power evaluation of a BIPV system for a edifice, the entire electrical demands of the edifice demand to be evaluated. The optimal power evaluation of the BIPV system can so be calculated based on the part of the edifice ‘s electricity that will be supplied by this BIPV system. Architecturally, the size of the BIPV system is physically limited to the dimensions of the edifice ‘s available surface country. The balance between the sum of power required and the sum of surface country available can find the type of PV engineering that will be used. Each engineering has an associated scope of end product in watts per square pes or per square metre and cost per W.Aesthetic and Economic Factors – The faculty should suit in the milieus and must be harmonious with other building stuffs. It should be multifunctional ad replace, whenever possible, other building stuffs.Electrical issues – Electrical issues chiefly involve the public presentation and dependability of the inverters. BIPV systems include individual inverters, master-slave inverter constellations, modular inverters, and parallel independent or threading inverters.A BIPV system is most vulnerable to a single-point failure where the power generated from the BIPV array must be transformed and synchronized through the inverter from DC to AC power and so fed into the edifice or an electric public-service corporation system. If the inverter fails, the full system malfunctions. A BIPV system must be designed so that multiple inverters work together ensures greater system dependability. If one inverter malfunctions or requires care, it can be disconnected from the array and the BIPV system can still run.Safety Issues – With respects to the electrical safety issues, it is of import to observe that lightning, land mistakes, and power line rushs can all do high electromotive forces in otherwise low-tension BIPV systems. The international electric codifications, ordinances and edifice codifications are being amended to include PV engineerings and reference fire and safety issues refering BIPV design, installing, and care.( Eiffert and Kiss 2000 ) , ( Jesus, Manuela and Pereira 2005 ) and ( Moor, Borg, Boer and Oldenkamp 2004 )2. PV Technology2.1 Current Status of technological Development of PhotovoltaicsPhotovoltaics industry has already become a billion dollar industry. This industry is sing rapid growing as there are concerns over fuel supplies and C e manations and this is taking the authoritiess and persons to disregard its current high costs. It will go genuinely mainstream when its costs are comparable to other energy beginnings. At the minute, it is about four times more expensive than other competitory commercial merchandises. Three coevalss of photovoltaics are being developed and these will take solar power into the mainstream.First Generation PVThese include the undermentioned types: Mono Crystalline Cells ( c-Si ) Poly Crystalline Cells ( mc-Si ) Wafer & A ; eacute ; quivalents ( re-crystallisation etc ) These types of single-junction, silicon-wafer devices are now normally referred to as the first- coevals ( 1G ) engineering. The First coevals solar cells are crystalline based photovoltaic cells that have dominated and still rule the solar faculty market. These solar cells use silicon wafers of between 4 †to 8 †size, and history for biggest portion of the planetary PV market. They are dominant because of their high efficiency and proved engineering. This is despite of the fact that their fabrication costs are really high ; a job that will hopefully be resolved by the 2nd coevals cells. The fabricating procedure of 1G solar cell involves high energy intensive production attempt and is labour intensive ; this has prevented important cost decreases. 1st coevals solar cells have the highest efficiency of all three coevalss, between 13 % to 20 % and nearing the theoretical modification efficiency of around 30 % .Second Generation PVThe following measure in the development of PV to cut down cost/W is to take the unneeded stuff from the cost equation by utilizing thin-film devices. Second-generatio n ( 2G ) engineerings are besides single-junction devices and are designed to utilize less stuff while seeking to keep the efficiencies of 1G PV. The chief types in this class are: Amorphous Silicon ( a-Si ) Cadmium Telluride ( CdTe ) Copper Indium Gallium Selenide – CuIn ( Ga ) Se2 – ( CIGS ) Second coevals cells, although significantly cheaper to bring forth than first coevals cells have lower efficiencies of between 6 % to 12 % . The chief advantages of 2nd coevals, thin-film solar cells, are the lower fabrication costs and their flexibleness. Thin-film engineering has led to the development of lightweight, aesthetically delighting solar inventions such as solar herpes zosters and solar panels that can be rolled out onto a roof or other surface. CdTe, CIGS and a-Si are applied in uninterrupted axial rotation to-roll or batch procedure to back uping substrates such as glass, unstained steel or polymer foil therefore cut downing material mass and therefore costs. It is going obvious that the 2nd coevals cells will rule the residential and power public-service corporation solar applications, particularly as new, higher-efficiency cells are being researched and produced. It is now an accepted fact that as fabrication techniques evolve the production of 2nd coevals engineerings will derive important market portion in the following decennary. Even among major makers there is surely a tendency towards 2nd coevals engineerings.Third Generation PVThird-generation ( 3G ) attack to photovoltaics ( PVs ) aims to accomplish high efficiency devices but still utilizing thin-film, second-generation deposition methods. The construct is that this should be achieved merely by a little addition in cost and therefore cut downing the cost per Watt extremum. Increasing efficiency agencies lower costs because as smaller country is required for a given power this will besides cut down the costs of balance-of-system equipment, and therefore the efficiency values could dramatically diminish these costs per Watt extremum. In order to accomplish efficiency betterments, devices have to get the better of the bounds for single-bandgap devices that limit efficiencies to either 31 % or 41 % , depending on concentration ratio ( Figure 8 ) . This requires multiple energy threshold devices. Multiple energy threshold devices can be achieved in many different ways:( a ) By increasing the figure of energy degrees ;The construct of absorbing different subdivisions of the solar spectrum, by agencies of multiple energy degrees can be applied in many different device constructions.Tandem or multicolor cellsThe tandem or multicolor cell is the easiest of all the constellations. Solar cells made up of p-n junctions in different semiconducting material stuffs of increasing bandgap are placed on top of each other, such that the sunshine is foremost intercepted by the stuff of highest bandgap.– III-V tandemsThese are multi-junction cells that consist of multiple thin movies produced utilizing molecular beam epitaxy and / or metalorganic vapor stage epitaxy. Each type of semiconducting material has a characteristic set spread energy which allows it to absorb light most expeditiously over a part of the spectrum. The pick of semiconducting materials is such that they absorb abo ut the full solar spectrum, and generate electricity from as much of the solar energy as possible.Concentrator systemsConcentrator cells consist of four- or even five-bandgap cells. These are non merely higher in efficiencies but besides have higher electromotive force and lower current than three-bandgap cells. This reduces the series opposition losingss which is an of import factor for concentrator cells. Tandems suit the concentrator systems because as the figure of cells addition in the stack, the voltage-to-current ratio besides increases and this decreases the resistive losingss in the high current densenesss of concentrator cells. However, concentrators do non work with an cloudiness sky and necessitate direct sunshine for proper operation, unlike flat-plate cell faculties.Thin-film tandems – a-Si tandems, Si nanostructure tandemsA tandem thin-film Si solar cell comprises of a crystalline substrate, a first unit cell positioned on the transparent substrate, the first unit cell consisting a p-type window bed, an i-type absorber bed and an n-type bed, an intermediate contemplation bed positioned on the first unit cell, the intermediate contemplation bed including a hydrogenated n-type microcrystalline Si oxide of which the O concentration is profiled to be bit by bit increased and a 2nd unit cell positioned on the intermediate contemplation bed, the 2nd unit cell consisting a p-type window bed, an i-type absorber bed and an n-type bed.Intermediate-level cells: dross PV and intermediate set solar cellsThe attack adopted with these devices is to present one or more energy degrees within the bandgap such that they absorb photons in analogue with the normal operation of a single-bandgap cell. This semi-parallel operation offers the potency to be much less spectrally sensitive but to still give high efficiencies.( B ) Multiple bearer brace coevals per high energy photon or individual bearer brace coevals with multiple low energy photons ;Carriers generated from high-energy photons ( at least twice the bandgap energy ) absorbed in a semiconducting material can undergo impact ionisation events ensuing in two or more bearers near to the bandgap energy. But impact ionisation has a vanishingly little chance in bulk stuff. A device based on this attack requires a agency of leting the multiple electron-hole braces to be separated, transported, and collected in a m ajority construction. This is the topic of ongoing research.( degree Celsius ) Capturing bearers before thermalization.The concluding option for increasing efficiencies is to let soaking up of a broad scope of photon energies but so to roll up the photogenerated bearers before they have a opportunity to thermalize. A hot-carrier solar cell is merely such a device that offers the possibility of really high efficiencies but with a construction that could be conceptually simple compared with other really high efficiency PV devices – such as multijunction massive tandem cells. For this ground, the attack lends itself to thin-film deposition techniques with their attendant low stuff and energy use costs and the ability to utilize abundant, atoxic elements.Summary of Cell Efficiencies for 1G, 2G and 3G PhotovoltaicsThe Graph 3 shows a historic sum-up of cell efficiencies for assorted photovoltaic engineerings. The multijunction solar cells have achieved the highest efficiencies, an d these are increasing at a rate of about 1 % per twelvemonth in recent old ages. The efficiencies of the Multijunction cell have the potency to near 50 % in the coming old ages. ( Bagnall, D.M. and Boreland, M. ( 2008 ) ; Conibeer, G. , ( 2007 ) ; Ruoss, D. ( 2008 ) )2.2 Future Challenges and DevelopmentsAs we have discussed, advancement in PV engineering should be measured in $ /W, and many scientific progresss, as intriguing though they may be, will merely be relevant to the industry if they can be implemented at low-cost costs. In this sense, we can imagine two paths to cheaper photovoltaic energy that will be brought approximately by new scientific discipline and 3G constructs. The first is based on the matter-of-fact usage of new engineering to better the public presentation or diminish the cost of current devices. The 2nd, more radical, possibility might affect new whole-device constructs. Indeed, in recent old ages we have seen the outgrowth of dye-sensitised ( Gratzel, 2001 ) and polymer-based solar cells ( including organic/inorganic loanblends ) ( see Brabec and Sariciftci, 2001 ; Kanicki, 1986 ) as basically new types of device, and although none of these have come near to surpassing wafer- based Si devices in cost or efficiency, there is every opportunity that these devices could show step-change betterments or that new types of device may yet emerge. ( Bagnall, D.M. and Boreland, M. 2008 ) The PV industry is continuously seting attempt towards cost decrease so that PV could go a self-sustained industry without the demand for subsidies. Characteristic developments in solar industry are the undermentioned:Strong investing in thin-film industry. Companies based on Si, such as QCells are puting in subordinates based on thin-film engineering. Besides LCD equipment makers are developing equipment for solar industry and even complete lines for thin-film production ( such as Oerlikon or Applied Materials ) ; a diverseness of technological inventions.Reaching stableness and device dependability for cheaper engineerings, such as dye-sensitised cells.12 17 October 2008 ZONNESTROOM 2008Expansion of fabrication volume and accomplishment of lower costs, such as the instance of First Solar.Silicon deficit is driving investings into poly-Si workss. Another tendency is the production of metallurgical Si, which allows for less capital costs for production machinery and tools.ribbon/shee t adult Si, capital costs and the sum of Si used can be diminished.Thinner Si wafers and new poly-Si stuff supplies.Faster processing/higher production volume.Growth of the market for BIPV ( Building Integrated PV ) merchandises and flexible PV merchandises.Concentrating engineering could go attractive due to take down solar electricity costs in really cheery states ( Africa, USA, Middle East, India, China, Mexico and Australia ) .Emerging of new PV engineerings.As the industry and the volumes produced are acquiring larger and larger, more attending will hold to be paid to the undermentioned issues: As the industry and the volumes produced are acquiring larger and larger, more attending will hold to be paid to the undermentioned issues:Natural stuffs constrictions for different engineerings ( inexpensive solar quality glass, Te and In ) . Procuring natural stuffs supply is necessary.Reduce waste, both of natural stuffs and of resources used in production.Bing able to pull extremely qualified and good trained forces. ( Jol, J.C. , Mandoc, M.M.and Molenbroek, E.C. 2008 )3. Costss and Benefits3.1 Costss of PV Systems3.2 Advantages, Disadvantages and restrictions of BIPV Systems3.3 Future Costss4. DecisionsThe solar market is dining. The solar market has shown mean growing rate of more than 35 % over the last 10 old ages. The market value was estimated to be 13 billion Euros in 2007 and over 100,000 people have found employment in the solar concern. The cost of solar panels continues to drop every bit good. Since the early old ages of solar panels, panel monetary values have dropped by 20 % for each duplicating in cumulative production. Important states for the solar market are Germany, Japan, the US and non the least far Asiatic states with China as a strong Centre point. The renewable energy market is no longer a niche market. It was about a $ 150 billion market in 2007. Almost 60 % of this was spent on renewable power coevals undertakings in plus finance, which accounts for 23 % of all new power coevals capacity worldwide in 2007. Solar investing truly took off in 2007, when $ 28.6 billion of new investing flowed into solar, of which $ 18 billion ( approx. ˆ13 billion ) was spent on freshly installed PV power. The one-year growing is at an mean rate of 254 % since 2004. It is seen now as a mature market by fiscal establishments. The market portion of the pillar of the solar industry, crystalline PV faculties, has still a market portion of approximately 90 % but the thin movie faculties are catching up. A batch of production installations are coming into production the coming old ages. In an international position, it is expected that the solar market will go on its high growing rates ( ~30-40 % per twelvemonth ) in the coming old ages. The coming old ages will demo an enlargement in the thin movie production capacity. However, crystalline Si will remain an of import pillar of the solar industry. Production is demoing a displacement toward Asia ( China, Taiwan, Philippines ) . Nevertheless production capacity is besides being built in Europe. In the short term, an glut state of affairs could originate. In the longer term the market will be able to catch up with the enlargement in production capacity that will happen in the coming few old ages. From the fiscal market position solar is now seen as a mature market which is safe to put in. International related investings financess and venture capitalists are puting more and more capital in solar companies and undertakings. Large investings are needed in the sector to let for high growing rates in the coming old ages. On the engineering side, In an international context, the relationship between a strong industry and a strong place market is good seeable. The market in Japan ‘collapsed ‘ after subsidies were terminated and Japan lost it ‘s international top place in production. At this minute, nowhere in the universe can be found so many thin movie start-up companies as in Germany, where presently the most PV faculties are sold. A strong internal market besides creates occupations in the installing sector. In footings of occupation Creation. Forexample: Germany has 40.000 occupations in PV, Grid para may be reached in the Netherlands in 2015 or even earlier every bit good. It should be realized though that the volumes necessary to make this low PV kWhprice will hold to be realized and it will non go on if everybody starts waiting for grid para. Besides, it is non expected that the PV-consumer market will straight take off every bit shortly as grid para is reached. Grid para is in fact already reached in South Italy by now, but the market is still little. However, a sufficiently interesting pay back clip, consciousness of the possibilities and willingness to pay up forepart for families and an substructure able to offer cost-efficient rooftop PV-systems will hold to be in topographic point for this to go on. Last but non least, a batch will depend on the development of the conventional electricity monetary values in the old ages to come. ( Jol, J.C. , Mandoc, M.M.and Molenbroek, E.C. 2008 )5. MentionsWekken, T ( 2007 ) . Power quality and Utilisation Guide, Distributed coevals and renewables, photovoltaic installings [ on-line ] . Available from hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed on 27 Oct 2009 ]Eiffert.P and Kiss.G.J. ( 2000 ) , Building-Integrated Photovoltaic Designs for Commercial and Institutional constructions. A Sourcebook for Architects [ online ] . NREL/BK-520-25272. Available from hypertext transfer p rotocol: // [ Accessed on 13 Dec 2009 ]Sunlight Electric, LLC. , 2002-2009 [ online ] Available from: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed on 27 Oct 2009 ]Wisconsin Public Service Corporation ( 2000 ) [ on-line ] . Available from: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed on 27 Oct 2009 ]James, P.A.B, Jentsch, M.F. and Bahaj, A.S. , ( 2008 ) Quantifying the added value of BiPV as a shadowing solution in atria. Solar Energy Journal, [ online ] 83 ( 2 ) pp 220-231. Available from: hypertext transfer protocol: // _ob=MImg & A ; _imagekey=B6V50-4T7HYK9-2-T & A ; _cdi=5772 & A ; _user=129520 & A ; _orig=browse & A ; _coverDate=02 % 2F28 % 2F2009 & A ; _sk=999169997 & A ; view=c & A ; wchp=dGLbVzz-zSkzk & A ; md5=947f9679e28a5d75fdd0842654bd3387 & A ; ie=/sdarticle.pdf [ Accessed 14 Dec 2009 ]Jesus, L. , Manuela, A. and Pereir a, E. , ( 2005 ) The Difficulties of Implementation of BIPV in Portugal, rejection or absentation? [ online ] . Available from: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed 27 Oct 2009 ]Moor, H.H.C. , Borg, N.J.C.M. , Boer, B.J. and Oldenkamp, H. , ( 2004 ) , Lay-out of Building incorporate PV systems. In: fifth ISES Europe Solar Conference June 2004, Freiburg Germany [ online ] . Available from file transfer protocol: // [ Accessed on 14 Dec 09 ]Bagnall, D.M. and Boreland, M. ( 2008 ) Photovoltaic Technologies. Energy Policy, [ online ] 36 ( 12 ) pp 4390-4396. Available from hypertext transfer protocol: // _ob=MImg & A ; _imagekey=B6V2W-4TW0SWR-5-C & A ; _cdi=5713 & A ; _user=129520 & A ; _orig=browse & A ; _coverDate=12 % 2F31 % 2F2008 & A ; _sk=999639987 & A ; view=c & A ; wchp=dGLbVzz-zSkWA & A ; md5=3cc7fe5f76574e4d9b fc13a2c1d96f37 & A ; ie=/sdarticle.pdf [ Accessed 17 Dec 2009 ]EurObserv'ER, PhotovoltaicEnergyBarometer,2008 [ online ] . Available from: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed: 17 Dec 09 ]A Guide to Photovoltaic ( PV ) System Design and Installation, 2001 [ on-line ] . Available from: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed: 14Dec 09 ]Ruoss, D. ( 2008 ) Market Overview of Silicon and Non-Silicon Technologies and a Perspective of the PV Market and Technologies Development [ online ] . Available from option=com_docman & A ; task [ Accessed: 17 Dec 09 ]Conibeer, G. , ( 2007 ) , Third-generation photovoltaics. Materials Today [ online ] 10 ( 11 ) pp 42-50. Available from: hypertext transfer protocol: // _ob=MImg & A ; _imagekey=B6X1J-4PWDT21-M-K & A ; _cdi=7244 & A ; _user=10 & A ; _orig=search & A ; _coverDate=11 % 2F30 % 2F2007 & A ; _sk=999899988 & A ; view=c & A ; wchp=dGLbVzW-zSkzV & A ; md5=84028f687bf61e4d4cfb276fab93973b & A ; ie=/sdarticle.pdf [ Accessed: 17 Dec 09 ]Geisz, J. , Olson, J. , Friedman D. , Kurtz, S. , McMahon, W. , Romero, M. , Reedy, R. , Jones, K. , Norman, A. , Duda, A. , Kibbler, A. , Kramer, C. , and Young, M. ( 2004 ) III- V/Silicon Lattice-Matched Tandem Solar Cells. In: DOE Solar Energy Technologies Program Review Meeting, October 2004, Denver, Colorado [ online ] . Available from: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed: 17 Dec 09 ]Kolodziej, A. , Wronski, C.R. , Krewniak, P. and Nowak, S. ( 2000 ) Silicon thin movie multijunction solar cells.Opto-Electronics Review [ online ] 8 ( 4 ) pp339-345. Available from hypertext transfer protocol: // ( 4 ) 339.pdf [ Accessed: 17 Dec 09 ]Jol, J.C. , Mandoc, M.M.and Molenbroek, E.C. ( 2008 ) Solar Electricity 2008 – A Technical and Economic Overview [ online ] . Available from: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed: 16 Dec 09 ]6.0 BIPV TerminologyBuilding-integrated photovoltaic ( BIPV ) is a comparatively recent new application of photovoltaic ( PV ) energy engineerings. These are some of the basic footings used in depicting PV engineerings, BIPV merchandises, and their utilizations: Antireflection coating– a thin coating of a stuff that reduces light contemplation and additions light transmittal ; it is applied to the surface of a photovoltaic cell. Balance of System ( BOS )– Non-PV constituents of a BIPV system typically include wiring, switches, power conditioning units, metres, and battery storage equipment ( if required ) . Bypass rectifying tube– a rectifying tube connected across one or more solar cells in a photovoltaic faculty to protect these cells from thermic devastation in instance of entire or partial shading of single cells while other cells are exposed to full visible radiation. Conversion efficiency– Sum of electricity a PV device green goodss in relation to the sum of light reflecting on the device, expressed as a per centum. Curtain wall– an exterior wall that provides no structural support. Encapsulant– Plastic or other stuff around PV cells that protects them from environmental harm. Grid-connected– Inter-tied with an electric power public-service corporation. Inverter– Device that transforms direct-current ( DC ) electricity to jumping current ( AC ) electricity. Faculty– Commercial PV merchandise incorporating interrelated solar cells ; faculties come in assorted criterion sizes and can besides be custom-made by the maker. PV array– Group or twine of affiliated PV faculties runing as a individual unit. PV laminate– Building constituent constructed of multilayers of glass, metal or plastic and a photovoltaic stuff. PV solar cell– Device made of semiconducting material stuffs that convert direct or spread light into electricity ; typical PV engineerings are made from crystalline, polycrystalline, and formless Si and other thin-film stuffs. Solar entree– Sunstroke incidence of solar radiation that occurs on a PV system ‘s surface at any given clip ; it determines the possible electrical end product of a BIPV system. Stand-alone– Remote control power beginning offprint from an electric public-service corporation grid ; a stand-alone system typically has a battery storage constituent. ( Eiffert.P and Kiss.G.J. 2000 )
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Development and Reward System
Organizations today realize that employees are part of their competitive advantages. Along with effective business strategies and sufficient capital, investments for developing highly skilled human resources have been part of most companies’ road towards success. In order to obtain this unique competitive advantage, organizational management must be able to give sufficient motivation to their employees (Creech, 1995).One of the considered approaches of management in motivating their employees is through reward system. Primarily, the goal of this paper is to provide an analysis of the aims of organisation in setting reward system. In addition, this will also provide discussions of some of the trends in reward practice and the emerging laws that affect employee rewards.Aims of Organisation for Setting Reward SystemIn Human Resource Management, the employee reward policy is intended to align employees with organizational strategy by providing incentives for employees to act in th e firm's interest and perform well over time. Expectancy theory carries a clear message that employees must feel confident that their effort will affect the rewards they receive. Perceptions of equity are therefore crucial in an employee's decision to remain and produce valuable work.Equity is a multidimensional construct, embracing external equity (the degree to which a firm pays employees the rate they would find in the external labour market), internal equity (the degree to which a firm differentiates pay between employees on the basis of performance in similar jobs), and individual equity (the degree to which employees are rewarded proportionately to their individual performance) (Dean and Snell, 1993).Because of the changing demands of performance on employees in high- velocity companies, perceptions of equity in its three forms may become confused, as job roles and job interdependence become more varied and flexible. Since employees would expect that as their job changes, so w ill their rewards, designing reward systems in high-velocity environments presents a major challenge to organizations. In high-velocity environments, a premium is placed on individuals who are able to operate in ambiguous circumstances and who are able to take advantage of loose job descriptions provided by their employers.Organizations in high-velocity environments are willing to pay proportionally higher salaries to individuals who have such skills. We would expect, therefore, that emphasis on individually equitable rewards as a means of recruiting and retaining highly capable employees would be required (Gomez-Mejia and Welbourne 1990; Snell and Dean 1992).Employee Rewards Policy amended by the Human Resource Management can be classified under three broad headings: performance-contingent rewards, which explicitly reward through performance outputs; job-contingent rewards, where pay is contingent on job classification; and person-contingent rewards, in which pay is dependent on th e competencies a person has (Dean & Snell, 1993). Because both output orientation and job  classification may be difficult to measure accurately in high-velocity conditions, the prospect of person-contingent rewards, which may encourage the values of learning, flexibility, and creativity, would seem to be best suited to fast-changing conditions.In addition, Employee Reward Policy can be one of the greatest foundations of control available to a company in its quest to increase organizational performance and effectiveness, yet remain one of the most underutilized and potentially complex tools for driving organizational performance. The importance and complexity of linking reward strategies to business goals in a systematic manner has been a recurrent argument in the study in this field, as has the importance and difficulty of linking rewards to the longer-term view (Hambrick & Snow, 1989). In describing the strongest level of linkage the emphasis has been placed on Lawler's (1990) description of reward processes which are capable of reinforcing the behaviours crucial to business strategy like long-term versus short-term, customer focus versus financial results.Statement EvaluationPeople do work for money, but they work even more for meaning in their lives. In fact they work to have fun. This statement can be evaluated using the physiological needs of people. Human beings have needs which can be classified as physiological, safety and security, social, esteem and status, and self-actualization. This means that although employees work because they want to ear incomes, there are still needs that should be fulfilled to ensure their contentment and happiness in what they are doing. If any of the needs is unmet, or unsatisfied a person, the individual can be motivated if provided with an opportunity to satisfy the unmet need or needs. The most motivating opportunities are the most valued. The most valued opportunities are those designed to provide satisfaction o f the most intense unmet needs. What needs are most intense varies from individual to individual. One person's most dominant need may be the need to be happy (Romzek, 1989).In order to motivate and encourage the workers and employees to render their performances and to help them enjoy more of what they are doing, the employers should are giving recognition to those employees whose works is exemplary or that employee who has contributes to outstanding achievements and accomplishments of the mission and objectives of an organization as a whole. Rewards and recognition go a long way to keeping employees motivated, satisfied, and committed. Management should recognize employees for both their progress toward and achievement of desired performance goals. It should show appreciation for small accomplishment as well as big ones.The recognition must be ongoing to reinforce employees' need to feel that they're doing a good job. Moreover, the best forms of recognition typically have l ittle or no cost (Nelson, 1998). The statement just justifies the saying that people become more devoted to work when they feel that their environment likes them and appreciate the things they are doing.According to Skinner (1953), the reinforcement theory suggests the behaviors of the employees directly impact the outcome of their work or their performance. Thus, an employee with a positive behavior will bring about positive outcomes, whereas those with negative behaviors will lead to negative results. Thus, the positive behaviors of the employees should then be reinforced by their managers so as to generate more positive outcomes.Trends in Reward PracticeBeing able to recognise the needs for highly motivated individuals, human resource management has been able to develop different ways in rewarding their employees. The trends in reward practice include the broadbanding and performance-related pay and competency based pay or skill-based pay. This paper will focus on the broadbandin g and performance-related pay. Broadbanding is a manner of reducing the number of narrow grades in a certain pay structure into a smaller number of broader bands. This reward practice is based on the view that narrow ranges cannot reward employees who have reached their range maximum but who are still performing effective. The main goal of this reward practice is to provide greater flexibility to reward the acquisition of wider skills as well as competencies without need to promote the employees in each case or situation (Payment Practices, 2008).On the other hand, the performance-related pay is a common term for various approaches to warding or rewarding discretionary payments to employees on the basis of their contribution to the company. Among this common approach include the pay awards for successful meeting work objectives or for showing work-related competences or the integration of the two.  it can be said that each of this reward practice can be helpful for motivating and retaining skilful employees (DeWitt & Hamel, 2002).For rewards to be valued, the human resource management must see to it that the Employee Reward Policy includes the proper scheduling on when would be the most accurate time to give the rewards. Generally rewards received by an individual soon after accomplishment of a goal, or soon after attainment of a given targeted performance level, are the most valued rewards and the rewards that serve best to install a desire for further achievement or continued good performance, when the reward is tied to performance in time that reward is closely associated with the performance. It becomes an extension of the performance. It has real meaning because one can vividly see that it was received for performance.Laws that Affects Employee RewardsIf the employers are thinking of giving employees special rewards as incentives for having good attendance records, there are some legal and laws which prohibits them to do so.  For instance, the royal mail introduced a reward system for staff which did not take time off sick. Under this system, employees with full attendance records will be included into a prize draw to win Ford Focus cars or holiday packages. In the staff incentive, this system can be perceived as a workable reward to let the employees minimize or totally avoid their absences. However, this kind of system has some serious ramifications from certain employment law. This can be attributed to the employment discrimination law (Coopers, 2005).Herein, the management of Royal mail can be given discrimination charges for disability or age. The success of these claims depends on the specific situation of employees and their needs. This discrimination of age or disability may happen if, for instance, an employee had time off associated to the age and disability and this was not taken into consideration by the management under the reward system. Herein, there is an existing law that says that the failure of the managemen t to set-aside such employee’s absence due to age or disability related reasons can be considered as less favourable treatment. Hence, this would hinder the company to provide reward for those individual who have no absences for this would not be fair for other employees. In this regard, if the company would like to continue the reward system, they must have some list of exceptions in the reward system. In this regard, it is safer for employees to give bonuses and rewards based on the performance and not by the number of absences.ConclusionRegardless of the targeted employees, the organization today is attempting to become employers of choice. In order to become one, the management of the organization shall create an Employee reward system where potential job candidates feel that it will be an accomplishment to earn a job with the organization, and that once they have a job, the individual’s performance will be rewarded.ReferenceCreech, R. (1995). Employee Moti vation. Management Quarterly, 36(2), 33+.DeWitt, G. and Hamel, G. (2002). alternative Compensation Plan. Legislative Finance Committee. Online available at Retrieve April 21, 2008.Dean, J.W.; Snell, S.A. (1993). â€Å"‘Integrated Manufacturing and Job Design:The Moderating Effect of Organizational Inertia.Gomez-Mejia, L.R.; Welbourne, T.M. (1990). â€Å"‘The Role of Compensation in The Human Resource Management Strategies of High Technology Firms'†, in M. A. Von Glinow and S. A. Mohrman (eds.), Managing Complexity in High Technology Organizations. New York: Oxford University Press.Hambrick, D.C.; Snow, C.C. (1989). â€Å"‘Strategic Reward Systems'†, in C. C. Snow (ed.), Strategy, Organizational Design and Human Resource Management. Greenwich, Connecticut: JAI Press.Lawler, E.E. (1990). Strategic Pay. San Francisco: Jossey Bass.Payment Practices (2008. Onli ne available http://pmf.haven retrieve April 21, 2008.Romzek, B.S. (1989). Personal consequences of employee commitment. Academy of Management Journal, 32, 649-661Nelson, B. (1998). The Care of the Un-Downsized. Public Management, Vol. 80, April 1998.Skinner, B. F. (1953). Science and Human Behavior. New York: Free Press.Snell, S.A. and Dean, J.W. (1992). â€Å"‘Integrated Manufacturing and Human Resource Management: A Human Capital Perspective'†, Academy of    Management Journal, 35: 467-504.Coopers, RT (2005). Employment Law: Attendance Rewards – Legal Ramifications. Online available Retrieve April 21, 2008.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Poet Gwendolyn Brooks Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Poet Gwendolyn Brooks - Research Paper Example (Bigsby 23) At the age of seventeen, she started to publish poem regularly. As a first black woman, she served the position of â€Å"poetry consultant to the Library of Congress†and â€Å"poet laureate of the State of Illinois†(Gates 2). Among the Brookss works, lots of are written regarding to the â€Å"civil rights activism†of contemporary society. George E. Kent, the provider of Dictionary of Literary Biography, says that she holds an exceptional place in American literature (30). In Modern Black Poets: A Collection of Critical Essays, Richard K. Barksdale mentioned that the poems in A Street in Bronzeville and Annie Allen that won Pulitzer Prize, are loyal to miniature and abrupt representation â€Å"of the black urban poor†(Kufrin 67). Maud Martha, the detail about black woman’s existence in a short form and the first and only novel by Brooks, published in the 1950. Another remark about Maud Martha by David Littlejohn, in his Black on White : A Critical Survey of Writing by American Negroes, reflects that it is an outstanding human research (Littlejohn 78). In the â€Å"New York Times Book Review†, Toni Cade Bambara stated that when she was fifty years old â€Å"something happened to Brooks†and readers can get the evidence of that in â€Å"In the Mecca†and later works (Poetry Foundation). While Brooks’ poems â€Å"The Mother†, â€Å"The Crazy†, â€Å"Sadie and Maud†, and â€Å"To be In Love†comparatively work out the theme of a woman’s awkward, restricted and subservient situation in the society, in contrast, the poem â€Å"the Independent Man†upholds a man’s freedom (Evans 38). But all these five poems together highlight the inferiority of woman and the awkwardness and the inertia that a woman feels in the male dominated society. Though Gwendolyn Brooks’s poetry shows a strong commitment to her racial identity her poetic bent plays out a tone of universality through common daily
Thursday, September 26, 2019
The World of Prison Staff Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The World of Prison Staff - Research Paper Example It is a general observation that in people oriented occupations fatigue and passivity results into burnouts. Positions in criminal justice system, like that of a correctional officer in prison, is stressful than other people oriented jobs, from many angles. It is a job of adversarial nature where, interaction is mostly negative. Correctional officers are required to supervise inmates who are not willing to be there and they are also required to make them co operate. Stress is more pronounced in female officers than males, due to working in male dominated environment and work-home conflict. Officers with more experience (12 years or more) or prolonged duration of duty (one year at a stretch) feel more stress than others. Similar is the case with older age officers. Two variables increase stress consistently; these are dangerousness of the job and role problems. Correctional officers have to perform two conflicting roles of ensuring custody of prisoners and taking care of their needs a s well. Conflicting roles at times create stress. Nature of job is definitely dangerous as prisoners are often criminal and dangerous. Educated and minority race officers face more stress due to maladjustment. If correctional officers remain satisfied within their organization’s strength, job satisfaction comes naturally. ... The general stress is the result of experiences in the workplace and occupational stress is due to nature of the job. The contributing variables towards stress of correctional officers can be divided into individual (gender, educational and correctional experience, role problems and perception of dangers), organizational (supervisory & peer support, administrative strength and job satisfaction) and jail factors (training, direct supervision and jail unit). Stress related to age and race is not significant. There is interesting evidence in studies, which suggest that results of stress related to correctional officers are, similar and these are independent of jail, prison or setting. By nature, the job of correctional officers is dangerous requiring him to maintain order and ensure custody and well-being of inmates. In addition to normal functions, they have to perform court related duties, which results into conflict in duties, and added stress. Officers experience lowest level of str ess in strict custody capacity. Improved communication with supervisors and focused performance of job can significantly reduce stress. If the jail is made organizationally sound, workforce feel more relaxed. If the correctional officer believes that he has more control over the work environment his stress is significantly reduced. When an officer has some say in policymaking, his supervisors hear him attentively, and sincerely, he enjoys his work more and feels relaxed. It is important that officers must have authority in their jobs and they should be rewarded on good performance in the form of salary increase and promotions. Job satisfaction is directly proportional to stress in jail environment, if it is not there, the situation leads to burnout. Job satisfaction not
Globalisation and Ford Motor Company. The golden age of the company Essay
Globalisation and Ford Motor Company. The golden age of the company - Essay Example Globalisation is chosen as topic for this assignment since the significance of this concept is being widely questioned these days. Referring to the adverse impacts of 2009 global financial crisis, it is argued that the globalisation has not led to a rapid growth or economic convergence in the world. On the other hand, many economists hold that this process greatly slowed down economic growth, diverged income levels, and widened the gap between industrialised and developing countries. Therefore, it is reasonable to analyse the effects of globalisation in the context of a specific international company to identify the degree of its effectiveness and flaws. I have selected Ford Motor Company for this assignment as it is the US’ second largest and world’s fifth largest automaker in terms of annual vehicle sales. The company has subsidiaries across the globe and its UK subsidiary is operated under the name Ford of Britain. While analysing the history of the Ford Motor Compan y, it is evident that the mid to late 1990s was the golden age of the company. During this period, the company sold large number of vehicles by taking maximum advantages of a booming American economy with quickly developing stock market and relatively low fuel prices. The situation extremely changed with the dawn of the 21st century. As a result of mounting fuel prices, legacy healthcare costs, and an unstable economy, the company experienced a considerable fall in its sales volume, market shares, and ultimately in profit margins in the beginning of the new century. By 2005, the company’s bonds were downgraded by corporate bond rating agencies, citing to the threatening market condition of the firm. Ford reduced its profit margins even on luxury models since the company was forced to spend higher costs to offset declining demand. The company substantially increased its borrowing capacity to $25 million in order to meet its mounting financial requirements. The skyrocketing lab our costs also hurt the profitability of the company to a great extent. The company’s 2006 annual financial statements reported the biggest loss ($12.7 billion) in the history of Ford and the company management team identified that the firm might take long time to return to its profitability track. The company remained unprofitable in the next two consecutive years. The 2008 global financial crisis worsened the growth rate of the organisation as its all policy responses went in vain due to the negative impacts of this crisis. Although the company returned to profitability in the fiscal year 2009, it is still striving to improve or even stabilise its profit margins. The Ford is also affected by environmental issues as its production processes alleged to have threatened the sustainability of the environment. To illustrate, as Miller (2008) reports, the company was fined for violating state air pollution polices in Brook Park. ` Theoretical framework Conceptually, Globalisation refers to a process through which national economies and cultures are integrated into an international economy so as to enhance international trade, direct foreign investment, migration, and technology sharing. According to the concept, globalisation greatly contributes to effective and rapid circulation of ideas, languages, and cultural ideologies. Obviously, globalisation divided the history into two; age of manual labour and age of technical labour. This concept influences nations to liberalise cross border trade regulations by pointing to the significance of foreign investment and cross-border trade for international business expansion. The theoretical framework of globalisation envisages that this process would contribute to the
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Richest man in Babylon report Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Richest man in Babylon report - Assignment Example Similarly, a passive income must be pursued with the same intent [of fattening the purse- not draining it]. In The Richest Man in Babylon, Bansir and Kobbi inquire from Arkad why they were less financially fortunate, while Arkad had managed to grow rich with time. Several concepts are issued by Arkad and serve as important gems of financial wisdom. One is that no one should live beyond his means. Saving money is the genesis of wealth creation. The second important aspect of making wealth is investing. Investing the money saved should allow the investor to accrue passive income. Finally, the investment must be done wisely. In the seventh chapter, The Seven Cures for a Lean Purse, the King of Babylon, Sargon of Akkad is told of the poverty of the kingdom by his Royal Chancellor. People are subsequently told to: save a tenth of their earnings; control their expenditures; multiply their gold; guard their treasure from loss; insure a future income; and increase their earning power. Seeing that only the sixth and seventh parts are the ones that have not been delved into, it is important to appreciate them as calling for a remembrance of the days in which one will never be able to work and increasing one’s education on investing. The more one knows, the better that person will be in investing, and the more money that person will make (Clason, 17-32). In The Luckiest Man in Babylon, Arkad’s small school has blossomed into the city’s Temple of Learning. What is learned from this chapter is that there has to be a preparation for profitable opportunities, instead of waiting for luck, since luck cannot be stimulated to occur repeatedly. Procrastination in action and through indecision is also a bad practice. In The Five Laws of Gold, Kalabab asks what one would choose if offered a bag of gold or tablets whereupon are curved words of wisdom. The laws teach that: saving a fraction of
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
The Lost Colony of Roanoke Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
The Lost Colony of Roanoke - Essay Example Although it is not possible to solve this particular mystery without concrete forensic evidence or the discovery of new information, the discussion that will be presented seeks to define a likely scenario that was the result of situations that were recorded by several individuals and represented within the history of the Roanoke colonists. Before delving directly into the issue, it is necessary to appreciate that the colony of Roanoke was a charter colony; established by Sir Walter Raleigh and Queen Elizabeth I. As a charter colony, it was intended as a foothold within the New World and the potential challenge to Spain’s continue development within the region. It was the hope of Queen Elizabeth I, and Sir Walter Raleigh that the Roanoke colony would be able to provide a relatively quick return on investment in English. Whereas it is true that the coffers of Queen Elizabeth I were not shallow, these undertakings and planting colonies around the world were specifically expensive and required the dedication of resources, manpower, and ships; all of these being resources that were desired and demanded by different individuals and power throughout the kingdom. As Sir Walter Raleigh and Queen Elizabeth I shared a â€Å"special relationship†, and one that many analysts believe could have been sexual, the agreem ent to provide Raleigh with the necessary resources might not have been performed out of due diligence or based upon the possibility of profitability (Haskell, 2012). Regardless of the rationale, Queen Elizabeth the I provided Sir Walter Raleigh with five ships and a contingent of colonists and supplies that were directed to establish a preliminary colony in North America. The general agreement was that these colonists would be performing two distinct functions at the same time. The first function was to determine whether or not an English colony in North America
Monday, September 23, 2019
Segmentation, targeting and positioning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Segmentation, targeting and positioning - Essay Example Changes in fashion and consumer behavior have also been influential (Key Note 2012). Such factors have influenced market trends and consumer behavior spectrum. These challenges are still prevailing in the market where brands are preparing to meet them in the coming years of time (Key Note 2012). In sports footwear, the market has remained stagnant as experts and trainers have preferred the same old trend of quality and functioning despite new fashion trend and labeled marketing. This has maintained the position of UK’s sports brands as they have been emphasizing on the old market trends and have remained stable on reliability and sustenance attributes. One of the reasons for holding strong market position in sportswear is that brands â€Å"Nike†, â€Å"Reebok†, and â€Å"Adidas†have been firm on understanding consumer satisfaction (Key Note 2012). They have understood what customers want and what their preferences are on premium shoe wear collections. Mea nwhile, the market is showing decent customer response in the recent time which means that it holds a great place for upcoming brands in the UK footwear segment (Key Note 2012). This report is going to analyze the position of UK footwear market, where the aim is to evaluate UK brands in terms of their marketing strategies. The first part (overview) will access UK footwear companies in terms of marketing tactics (segmentation and positioning), and second part (conclusion) will comprise a relationship between findings and evaluation (Vieceli and Valos 1998). Marketing Concepts Market Segmentation â€Å"Segmentation is a process of market dissection, which means dividing the market into segments and in positions where market holds the greatest opportunity for a respective brand, its products and services†(Vieceli and Valos 1998). The concept relates to division of market in respect of customer behaviors, perceptions and opinions. This is one promotional process that finds a sta rting way for a brand to generate its demand in terms of the values from the consumers (Vieceli and Valos, 1998, pp.137). Market Targeting and Positioning Targeting and positioning are further parts of market segmentation process. They are close to promotion of a brand and are leading processes to stabilize the position of the brand in a new market place. Targeting is the secondary process which is headed on once segmentation gets completed. The targeting process identifies the place of a brand within the pre-identified market segments and positioning is what grapples the place of a brand’s products within the preset target market. By completing segmentation and positioning, the company adjusts its place in a new target market and this is for the long term basis (Cant, Strydom and Jooste 2009). Overview of UK Footwear Market Here is the overview of UK footwear market, which is to analyze the position of the footwear industry in the UK market segment. The analyses will evaluat e the brands in terms of their marketing strategies (segmentation, targeting, positioning) in order to see how the brands place their products in terms of UK footwear customer (Vieceli and Valos 1998). UK is the place of diversity, a place where consumers are on changing market trends. Whether it is cloth wear or shoe wear, all segments are varying and with modifying market trends. In footwear, the loyalty stands for diversified shoe brands. The brands which are unique in designs
Sunday, September 22, 2019
The executive branch of the U.S. goverment Essay Example for Free
The executive branch of the U.S. goverment Essay Using specific examples discuss how Madisons observations in Federalist Paper 51 apply to the relationship between the legislative branch and the modern president. In order to keep the government from becoming too powerful and endangering the liberty of its people, the framers of the United States Constitution endorsed the implementation of separation of powers so that the different branches of the government would keep one another in check. In Federalist Paper 51, Madison focused on the crucial relationship between the legislative and executive branches with the use of separation of powers. He stated, In the republican government the legislative authority, necessarily, predominates. The remedy for this inconvenience is, to divide the legislative into different branches[and] the weakness of the executive may require, on the other hand, that it should be fortified. While the separation of powers has successfully protected the liberty of Americas people, it has also caused a continual struggle between the executive and legislative branch to gain power over matters such as the economy, the right to pass legislation, and control over the military. Due to the prevalence of the legislative power severely limiting the authority of the executive, there is a large imbalance between the demands and expectations pressing in upon the President and his capacity to respond to them. The president cannot get his policies adopted by Congress without long delays and much bargaining. However, some fortification of the executive branch has allowed the president overcome some of these limitations in performing roles such as commander in chief, chief diplomat, and chief legislator. The president holds the most authority as commander in chief than in any other role. While the Congress has the sole power to declare war, the president can send armed forces into a country in situations that are the equivalent of war. Numerous presidents in the history of America have exercised this right. McKinley sent troops to Peking after the Boxer Rebellion, while Truman dispatched troops to Korea to take police action. Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon had an entire war in Southeast Asia without Congress approval. In 1973, however, Congress attempted to get some of their military decision-making ability back. By passing the War Powers Act, Congress spelled out the conditions under which the president can dispatch troops without the approval of Congress. If he chooses to send troops, the president must report to Congress within forty-eight hours. Then Congress has the right to pass a declaration of war within sixty days, extend the sixty-day time limit, or withdraw the troops. In 1983, President Reagan tested the War Powers Act when he wanted troops to remain in Lebanon. Congress would only allow him a limited number of troops to stay in the dangerous area. In spite of the War Powers Act, the powers of the president as commander in chief are more extensive today than they were in the past. As chief diplomat the president is granted several powers in dealing with foreign countries and other heads of state that do not require the consent of Congress. The recognition power, which allows the president to recognize, or refuse to recognize, a foreign government, is an important power of the president. In modern times, the simple act of receiving a foreign diplomat has been equivalent to accrediting the diplomat and officially recognizing his or her government. Such recognition is a preliminary step in achieving diplomatic relations or negotiations with another country. The United States, for example, did not recognize the Soviet Union until 1933, sixteen years after the Russian Revolution of 1917. The presidents power as chief diplomat is enhanced greatly by the use of executive agreements also. These agreements made between the president and other heads of state do not require Senate approval because the president cannot go back on his word. The advantages of executive agreements instead of a treaty are speed and secrecy, which are extremely important in some situations. Unlike a treaty however, executive agreements are binding only during the administrating that initiates it, unless approved by the new presidents consent. Despite its lack of interference in approving the agreements, the Senate can refuse to appropriate the funds necessary in implementing them. Franklin Roosevelt used executive agreements to bypass congressional isolationists in trading American destroyers for British Caribbean naval bases and in arranging diplomatic and military affairs with Canada and Latin American nations. As chief legislator, the president can propose legislation; however, the Congress must review them and is not required to pass any of the administrations bills. To overcome this obstacle the president must have the ability to argue and persuade. According to Richard E. Neustadt, governing rests in the act of persuasion not commands. The president needs to induce them to believe that what he wants of them is what their own appraisal of their own responsibilities requires them to do in their interests. On the other hand, the president must sign all bills accepted by Congress to become a law. If he does not want to make the bill a law, the president has the power to return the unsigned bill to the legislator, in what is called a veto. If the president does send the bill back, Congress can change the bill hoping the president will pass it the next time; otherwise, the Congress can override the presidents veto with a two-thirds vote in both houses. If the executive refuses to sign a bill and Congress adjourns within ten working days, the bill is stalled and must be reintroduced next session, in what is known as a pocket veto. Ronald Reagan lobbied for the line-item veto, which would allow a president to veto only specific sections of a bill. In 1996, the line-item veto was passed by Congress and signed by President Clinton. The law grants the president the power to rescind any item in an appropriations bill unless Congress passes a disapproval bill, which could be vetoed itself. The veto is a very powerful weapon that helps the executive control legislation and in turn gives the president more authority in making critical decisions. The president is also granted a variety of special powers and privileges not available to the other branches of the U.S. government, which help to fortify the executive. One of these powers is the Presidents ability to use emergency powers. Emergency power is an inherent capability exercised by the president during a period of national crisis, especially pertaining to foreign predicaments, which allows him to make crucial decisions without the approval of Congress. Presidents have used emergency powers since the formation of the United States. For example, President Lincoln suspended the liberties of all citizens at the beginning of the Civil War and called the militia into national service. However, it was not until 1936, when the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Roosevelt in United States v. Curtis-Wright Export Corporation, allowing the president to order an embargo on the shipment of weapons to two warring South American countries without the consent of Congress, that the executives have been able to initiate emergency powers formally. The right of an executive to use emergency powers has greatly strengthened the position of the president. An executive order is a rule or regulation issued by the president that has the equivalent effect that a law has. These orders can implement treaties, statutes, and provisions in the Constitution. This authority given to the president represents the executives legislative power. The Administrative Procedure Act of 1946 places a single requirement on executive orders; the president must publish the order in the Federal Register. Executive orders have been used in the past to implement national affirmative action regulations, to establish procedures for appointing administrators, to ration consumer goods, and to regulate the export of particular goods. Executive orders give the president the ability to act as a law making body, once again strengthening his position. All presidents have the right of executive privilege, which allows him to refuse to appear before, or withhold information from, the judicial system or Congress. Opponents believe that this privilege only allows the president to hide information from Congress and the American people. In the United States history, the boundaries of executive privilege have only been tested once. During the Watergate Scandal, Nixon claimed, No president could function if the private papers of his office, prepared by his personal staff, were open to public scrutiny. In 1974, the Supreme Court ordered Nixon to give all of the tapes of his conversations in the Oval Office to the courts upon their unanimous ruling in United States v. Nixon. Executive privilege helps shield the president from the other two branches of government, giving the modern president even more power. By law, when a president enters office he proposes a budget and the Congress approves it. However, it is not stated clearly that he must spend all of it. Often times the executive chooses not to use all the money congress provides; this is referred to as the impoundment of funds. Jefferson, Grant, Hoover, and Roosevelt all deferred money. Truman did not spend as much money on the military as Congress granted, while Kennedy refused to put money into weapons systems. The Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974 changed all this. It came in response to President Nixons refusal to spend funds allotted to him by Congress and was passed over Nixons veto. The law required the executive to spend all money appropriated by Congress with few exceptions. Among the exceptions were if the president did not want to spend the funds, he must notify Congress. However, Congress can override the president if they do not give him consent to withhold the funds within forty-five days. The Budget and Impoundment Control Act puts the executive at a disadvantage, allowing the legislative branch a little control. Despite the restraints put on the power of the executive branch by the separation of powers and the predomination of the legislative branch, the president has successfully surmounted many limitations by bestowing special rights upon the executive. These privileges have increased the power of the president while enabling him to make decision and take action more successfully and efficiently. In the past 60 years, however, the executive branch has gained an extraordinary amount of power, almost allowing the position to rival the authority in all of Congress. However, it is extremely necessary to have a strong executive in the United States.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Dominos Marketing Strategies And Technology Commerce Essay
Dominos Marketing Strategies And Technology Commerce Essay According to Dominos corporate website (2010), Dominos pizza was founded in 1960 by Tom and James. It was bought and started as a small pizza store in Michigan. With $500 as initial investment, Tom joined forces with his brother and together they opened a pizza delivery store in Ypsilanti, Michigan. Initially it was known as Dominicks. As Monaghans operations grew, the original owner of Dominicks decided to maintain rights to the name. Under deadline for a Yellow Pages ad, driver Jim Kennedy came up with the name Dominos Pizza. The three dots of Dominos the fact that Tom initially started 3 stores. In February 1968 a fire accident took place in Monaghans original pizza store. Advertising manager Bob Cotman had a narrow escape from the building, climbing down a firemans ladder. Although the pizza shop started operations within two days, Dominos lost stored goods worth $40,000. (information from the UK site (2010). The staff pulled together, with each existing store location responsible for producing one pizza item cheese, dough, chopped toppings which drivers then ferried from one store to the next to keep operations running. After that a very difficult situation arose that he had to cover not only the total fire losses of $150,000, of which only $13,000 were paid by insurance but also had to pay leases of five new franchises and recruit five new store operators as soon as possible. In 1975, the trademark lawsuit was launched by Amstar against the company. Furthermore, they started preparation to launch themselves on an international scale. In 1989, the Dominos Pizza changed ent irely when the Deep Pan pizza was launched for the very first time in twenty five years as the company had the urgent need for reacting to market demand. This step proved vital in providing strength to the financial foundation and made certain the growth of Dominos Pizza because they started operating their five thousandth store. The chain of Dominos Pizza grew quickly as they were operational in all varied places. Despite Dominos Pizza grew up at diverse locations and started doing good business, they were still a very traditional company. (History of Dominos pizza) Tom retired in 1998. He was the one who expanded Dominos chain around the world making it the worlds largest pizza delivering company known for quick service restaurants around the world. In addition, he gave majority of the $1bn earned through the sale of Dominos to charity. Marketing Strategies In 1973, Dominos Pizza introduced the policy that customers must be receiving their pizzas not later than 30 minutes of placing their orders, or if not they would take delivery of the pizzas free. The guarantee was condensed to $3 off in the mid 1980s. In 1985, Advertising Age placed Dominos ad among the fastest-growing money makers in the restaurant industry. The company had to keep pace not only with its own growth but also with that of its competitors, including the industry leader, Pizza Hut, which had more than 4,000 units to Dominos 2,300.In the previous year, Dominos spent 249% more in advertising, media. On the other side, the biggest threat for Monaghans empire entered in delivery business that is Pizza Hut in 1986. (Advertising age, Dominos inc. 1985) In 1992, the company settled a case filed against it by an Indian family whose lady was killed by a Dominos delivery driver. The company paid the family US $2.8 million. In 1993, Dominos settled yet another case in which the company was sued because a Dominos delivery driver ran a red light and collided with a ladys vehicle. The woman was paid almost US $80 million. The guarantee was dropped the same year because of the public perception of reckless driving and responsibility, according to Monaghan.(Founder of Dominos) Dominos Truck Kills 2 En Route to Delivery, (Chaudhury,1998) In December 2007 Dominos introduced a new slogan, You Got 30 Minutes, sticking to the earlier promise but getting short of promising delivery in a half hour. (Dominos corporate website 2010) In addition to this, Dominos changed their menu in 1992 and introduced for the very first time a non pizza item to their menu. Being Domino Pizza already on hand, the making of bread sticks was not so different which was the introduced item. The company kept on advertising for many years that if the delivery of their pizzas took longer than 30 minutes, the pizza would be delivered at no cost. This was also copied by the Ninja Turtles movie and cartoons. The benefits to Domino Pizza were enormous as millions of kids heard the name of Domino Pizza out of their favourite cartoons and they were the prospective customers. In 1993, Domino Pizza discontinued this policy and came up with a new one stating that if a customer was unhappy he could on his will have a new pizza or a refund. By 1994, Dominos Pizza marketing policy winded and they introduced chicken wings also in to the menu. Not only this, the company hit the African market as they opened a new store in Egypt. 1996 was the year when Dominos Pizza website was launched. That year the company declared global sales to be nearly $3 billion. In the 1980s, Dominos Pizza was well known for its advertisement campaign featuring The Noid. (Dominos corporate website 2010) In the same way, the Super Bowl Sunday was the most hectic and very busy pizza delivery day of the year and Dominos Pizza sold over a million pizzas, which was forty-two percent more as compared to normal Sunday trading volume. According to Dominos marketing director Robin Auld (Noelle McElhatton, marketing director management) Dominos franchisees pay a 5% royalty of their net sales into Dominos National Advertising Fund (NAF). Thats centrally managed and used to maximize sales and grow brand awareness. He said door-dropped menus are very effective for prosperity of ordering pizza and we use news paper and royal mail. Dominos also launched new offers that can be ordered by national hotline (087 12121212), in-store and online at or SMS ordering system, which was the first time in UK in 1999. The Dominos text service requires only five minute initial online procedure. Firstly customers register and create their favourite menus giving them each an easy to remember name, delivery address and mobile number for order. Secondly, the chosen menu is typed directly from mobile phone. Customer can put their credit card details while registering so that they can use their card when they order and pay with cash upon delivery. In February 2003, the company announced multiyear partnership with the National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing (NASCAR) through which Dominos became the Official Pizza of NASCAR. According to news paper article (Detroit News, March 26, 1997) Dominos delivered $2.8 Billion in world wide sales last year. By 2011 the value of the home delivery food market was estimated to have reached  £1,474 million in the UK and expects to grow 30% to  £1,918 million. At Dominos Pizza, the values are summed up in a chant thats sung in the Sell more pizza, have more fun! DPZ Dominos Pizza Inc (NYSE)  12:00 AM ET, 03/04/2010  Last: 13.70  Change: -0.36  %Change: -2.56%  Volume: 2,982,700   Open: 14.06  High: 14.06  Low: 13.36  Previous Close: 14.06  Market Cap: 805.0M  Shares Outstanding: 58.8M  EPS: 1.38  52wk High (3/3/2010): 14.13  P/E Ratio: 9.93  52wk Low (3/9/2009): 5.61  Dividend: 0.00  Dividend Date: N/A  Yield: 0.00  Average Volume: 572,000.00 Figure 1 : Marketshare (Dominios corporate website) Financial information Dominos Pizza UK IRL plc financial results.[1][9][11][12] Year to December1 Revenue ( £Ã‚ million) EBIT ( £m) Net profit ( £m) Earnings per share (p) 2008 136.0 22.5 15.7 10.9 2007 114.9 18.3 13.2 8.4 2006 95.0 13.7 10.0 6.2 2005 81.7 10.4 8.3 5.1 2004 74.2 9.1 6.7 4.1 2003 61.6 6.0 4.6 2.8 Note 1: Accounts to 2005 prepared according to United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. Accounts from 2006 onwards prepared according to International Financial Reporting Standards. Figure: 2 Performance of the Dominos pizza 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 System sales ( £m) 293.6 240.1 200.7 174.3 142.3 118.9 98.4 Stores at start of year 451 407 357 318 269 237 215 Stores at year-end 501 451 407 357 318 269 237 (Dominos corporate website) Figure: 3 SWOT ANALYSIS STRENGTHS 3,500 global operating franchises in over 50 countries Well-built brand equity maintained by intense marketing campaigns Effective supply chain distribution network with fast operations WEAKNESSES Slow further growing and decreasing existing-stores sales OPPORTUNITIES Growing presence in emerging markets, particularly in India, China Leverage supply chain distribution system to introduce new products THREATS Ever-changing consumer food tastes Adverse effects due to foreign currency Tough multi-national competitors Hard competition with local pizza shops and small chaons Conclusion Like any other thing, there is a positive as well as a negative point and the negative point of Dominos is that it can be a burden on ones finances. The large pizzas can have a price of  £14.99. The side orders also can cost on average  £4 each and that in anyways not cheap. Occasionally, there are offers introduced by Dominos. However, one can say that dominos is great because the food is fresh and always warm when delivered and the taste is fantastic. The group invests a lot of time and money in upholding the positive reputation of their brand and has remained successful quite a lot. Dominos brand marketing activity is financed through a National Advertising Fund (NAF) which is made up of franchisee contributions. Dominos pizza sells hot and freshly backed. There is neither a deep frying nor for any forms of cooking like baking on a gas-fired conveyer oven. Furthermore, Dominos believes to meet strict quality standards to ensure food safety measures that meet or exceed any applicable government guidelines and that is the reason it has come forward as a strong competitor of pizza hut and has outclassed it in many countries. Today there are over 8,000 Dominos Pizza stores in more than 50 countries, employing over 145,000 team member and involving over 2,000 franchisees. Globally Dominos Pizza delivers more than one million pizzas every day. So, it equates 25 to 30 part time or full time jobs in every new store. In the same way, conc ept of home delivery means its reduce noise of store and traffic. Bibliographies History of Dominos available from htpp://www.Dominos [Accessed June 22, 2010] Financial data available from http://Dominos_Pizza_UK__IRL and http://www.domino-s-pizza-inc#cite_note-19 Dt: 21-Aug-09 [Accessed June22, 2010], Interviewed with Dominos marketing director Robin Auld [Accessed June 22, 2010] QSR Magazine, (27January 2006) Dominos pizza delivery in 8000 store.(Accessed June 22, 2010) Dominos Delivered $2.8 Billion in Worldwide Sales Last Year. (Detroit News, March 26, 1997.) Dominos Truck Kills 2 En Route to Delivery, (Chaudhury, 1998 Nations Restaurant News, August 29, 1988.) (Accessed June 22, 2010) Hume, Scott, and Raymond Sera fin, Dominos Burned Up Over Pizza Hut Spot, Advertising Age, January 7, 1991. (Accessed June 22, 2010) Food information from Dominos Franchises information available Dominos Information available from http://www.domino-s-pizza-inc#cite_note-19 httpp://
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